Personal, Social & Health Education
“You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think.” A.A. Milne
“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.” - Harper Lee
At Thomas A Becket Junior School, we believe that PSHE helps to give children the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy, independent lives, in order to become informed, active and responsible citizens. The work we do in PSHE encompasses our Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) - please see our RSHE page for further information on this.
PSHE flows through all other curriculum areas and where topics are encountered more than once we have ensured that children have the opportunity to develop and deepen their already embedded understanding. This process allows them time to reflect and build on their knowledge and understanding of themselves, their community and the wider world.
Our school provides a balanced and broad curriculum which promotes pupil wellbeing. We believe that the development of a child’s personal, social and health education underpins all of the school’s aims. The PSHE objectives underpin our curriculum and give our children the opportunity to consider what the knowledge and understanding in all lessons means to them. It helps them to develop the skills and strategies they need to apply this knowledge in their real lives, to make safe and informed decisions. We believe it is important that every child understands what “being healthy” and “staying safe” means and how to achieve these. The PSHE curriculum complements our ‘TAB Way’ vision with an emphasis on developing positive relationships within a range of communities.
PSHE education is essential and sits at the heart of our curriculum and our school ethos at Thomas A Becket Junior School. In line with the PSHE association, we have broken down the national curriculum PSHE objectives into three broad categories - relationships, health and living within the wider world. Each week, children have a 30 minute PSHE/ RSHE session with their class teacher which will involve discussion using the talk phrases and active learning. At all points, teachers ensure to signpost students to resources and further support if they feel that they - or someone they know - needs this.
We want children to -
be ready for the opportunities and experiences of later life.
value themselves and others, acknowledging and appreciating both difference and diversity.
make informed choices so that they grow into positive and active citizens within our democratic society.
know and understand how to live and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
know how to stay safe and recognise when relationships are unhealthy.
understand and manage their emotions.
develop feelings of confidence, self-respect and empathy
Pupil Voice Quotes
“Teachers help us feel comfortable talking about our emotions and feelings with them."
"I feel like I understand different relationships in my life and I could recognise an unhealthy one."
“PSHE lessons help me to talk about my feelings and understand other people around me.”
Resources to support PSHE learning:
Websites and other links to extend and further understanding at home.
Health and Wellbeing
Living in the wider world
Staying safe online
pshe curriculum overview 2023 2024.pdf
British Values
In accordance with The Department for Education, we aim to actively promote British values in our school to ensure young people leave school prepared for life in modern Britain. Children are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that while different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, all people living in England are subject to its law.
The Key British Values are:
- democracy
- rule of law
- individual liberty
- mutual respect
- tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
We actively promote British values through
Focusing on and showing how the school’s work is effective in securing these values
Challenging children, staff, visitors or parents who express opinions contrary to British values
Democracy – what do we do?
- Class voting for the election of school councillors at the start of the year;
- Provide children with a broad general knowledge of, and promote respect for, public institutions and services;
- Teach children how they can influence decision-making through the democratic process;
- Classes create talk rules which emphasise the importance of pupil voice and everyone being heard equally;
- Demonstrate democracy through the winning community each week at the celebration assembly and in other assemblies make democracy overt;
- Teach children about rights and responsibilities as part of PSHE curriculum - this is progressive throughout;
- Encourage children to become involved in decision-making processes and ensure they are listened to in school;
- Help children to express their views through our talk phrases and discursive teaching and learning;
- Model how perceived injustice can be peacefully challenged.
Rule of law – what do we do?
- Ensure that the TAB Way lies at the foundation of all we do ensuring that the school rules and expectations are clear;
- Celebrate children adhering to the TAB Way through the celebration assembly;
- Help pupils to know, recognise and understand the difference between right from wrong;
- Help pupils to respect the law and the basis on which it is made;
- Help pupils to understand that living under the rule of law protects individuals;
- Explore within our PSHE/ RSHE lessons what to do if peer pressure is trying to persuade children to break these;
Individual liberty – what do we do?
- Through our PSHE/ RSHE lessons support children to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem, self-confidence;
- Encourage children to take responsibility for their behaviour, as well as knowing their rights;
- Encourage children to take responsibility for their learning through the use of metacognitive strategies such as reflection time within lessons, active learning and have choices about the way they create and present their learning;
- Support children’s emotional regulation and independence through teaching zones of regulation strategies;
- Develop children's understanding of their right to free speech and embed this through the use of the talk phrases;
- Challenge stereotypes;
- Implement a strong anti-bullying culture;
- Teach E-Safety to all children and ensure that parents and staff are aware of the risks. Staff receive training in this area.
Mutual Respect and tolerance of different cultures and religions– what do we do?
- All staff receive training on equality, diversity, representation and the protected characteristics of the 2010 Equality Act;
- Through our assemblies, explore positive role models who reflect the protected characteristics of the 2010 Equality Act;
- Ensure that the books in our classroom and across the school are representative of all children so that children are able to find themselves in a book;
- Challenge prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour;
- Organise visits to or visitors from places of worship (one annually per year group);
- Year Leader assemblies celebrate different religious festivals across the year including Diwali, Eid, Christmas and many more;
- Year Leader assemblies celebrate diversity awareness events such as Black History month, LGBTQIA+ month and Gypsy, Roma and Traveller month.
- Our RE scheme ensures that our children have a good understanding of a range of religious beliefs and customs;
- Through the rich curriculum we offer, children acquire an understanding of, and respect for, their own and other cultures and ways of life;
- Talk phrases are used in all classrooms and throughout the school and allow children to positively challenge one another and resolve differences in a positive manner.
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural examples
- School led assemblies have a weekly theme and include reflections during or at the end; link assembly themes to wellbeing/mental health and the TAB values e.g. Red Nose Day – laughter and wellbeing
- Children through carefully planned cross-curricular themes are encouraged to reflect on the world around them and are given hands-on experiences, e.g. visits to local churches (Methodist, C of E), Y5 lead Christingle service at local church
- Visitors are invited to discuss their experiences and beliefs with children, e.g. C of E minister, parents
- Through RE, children explore a range of different faiths
- Individual children from different faiths are actively encouraged to share their faith, special days and learning experiences. E.g. Judaism, Hinduism
- Development of self-confidence, taking part and performing in class assemblies, school shows, music and dance performances or activities
- Wellbeing courtyard - The Haven - an outside, enclosed courtyard where children can go for contemplation, meditation and for quiet mindful activities. It is the home of Theo, the school tortoise, who helps the children to regulate their emotions.
- Thought for the week - opportunities in class to discuss and debate topical and/or spiritual questions.
- Through pro-active PSHE, children are given the opportunity to reflect and discuss the differences between right and wrong, valuing and considering all opinions
- Story books are shared with moral themes, including equality, diversity and social dilemmas
- Themed assemblies and weeks, e.g. Anti-bullying, Online Safety, Black History, Fairtrade Fortnight, Wellbeing Mental Health Week, inspirational figures, are used to discuss and reflect on behaviours – as a school we have enabled children to take
ownership of their behaviour, mental wellbeing and learning
- Celebration assemblies take place weekly where the TAB Way is promoted, valued and celebrated.
- Positive behaviour strategies are used in the classroom and wider school; good behaviour code being collaboratively developed
- Through the TAB Way there are high expectations of all pupils in their conduct and behaviour towards each other and the adults they work with, ensuring mutual respect is evident at all times
- All children are involved in establishing their own class rules and have a regular voice in the classroom to reinforce these expectations
- School Council members represent each class and meet to discuss issues relevant to them. These are fed back to their classes and responses shared or further views sought
- Eco-Council members meet fortnightly to discuss how we take care of our school, land and planet.
- Children take part in numerous events in and out of school linked to the curriculum or promotion of wider experiences, e.g. performances at Assembly Hall, local village, local, county and national sporting events
- Children are respectful of each other’s views and opinions, as seen when monitoring lessons, learning walks, pupil reviews and external visitors
- Through modelling of good practice and expected language, we make good use of talk partners and ‘working with others’ in groups, establishing positive relationships in and out of the classroom
- Teachers value talk in the classroom and all children are encouraged to voice their own ideas and opinions
- Older children read and share the love of reading with younger children through reading buddies
- Children take responsibilities within the class/school from an early age, e.g. class jobs, School Council, Sports Leaders, Community Leaders, Eco Warriors, Digital Leaders, Arts Council, Music Leaders, Librarians etc.
- Community Days enable children across the school to mix and support each other in carefully planned focussed themes, e.g. celebration of reading, diversity, team skills
- Weekly assemblies celebrate our team spirit in year groups, exploring our development and discussing upcoming curriculum topics /events
- Transitional activities to year 3 and at the end of year 6 help to celebrate the children’s previous phase of development and prepare them to move on to the next
- Children are provided with opportunities through our creative curriculum to recognise and understand the local culture, and appreciate a range of cultures in the world around them
- Children engage with or celebrate topics through shared cultural events, such as art exhibitions or themed days with costumes and related activities
- Children understand democracy, for example, voting for members of our school council
- Quality texts used throughout the school to promote understanding of similarities and differences between life in this and other countries
- Library contains a wealth of quality books, to ensure children have access to a diverse range of authors, cultures and experiences
- Children have the opportunity to look at the news (Newsround) and discuss topical themes and issues in an age appropriate way, e.g. National and World Pandemic, General Elections, Queen's Platinum Jubilee, King’s Coronation
- We celebrate special events where we learn about the life of other children, such as Children In Need, Comic Relief, Sports Relief
- We welcome visitors to share their expertise about other countries
- Explore through music medium, e.g. all children taught African drumming, opportunity to join Samba Band
- Children visit the local mosque and hindu temple
- Cross-curricular links are made between creative subjects: art, DT, music, RE, PSHE, reading and writing helping to build children’s holistic cultural identity through a wide range of skills and transferable knowledge