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Thomas A Becket Junior School

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Working in Partnership

As a school we believe it is vital to work in partnership with other schools, educational & community providers. These links support the children's learning as part of the curriculum, in its widest sense, and staff development through learning with, from and on behalf of others.


Locally we work in partnership with:


  • Central Worthing Locality – this comprises Heene Primary; St. Mary’s Primary; Thomas A Becket Infants; Vale Primary; Bohunt and Worthing High schools. As well as working closely to ensure the best possible transition for pupils if/when they move between the schools, the schools work together on a number of collaborative projects including attendance and pupil wellbeing.     


  • Worthing Locality – in combination with the East Worthing Locality the Central Worthing schools combine to moderate expectations, standards and judgements in English.


  • Worthing Schools’ Sports Association – the school participates in many Worthing events & competitions, the school also takes a lead in organising and running a number of these (including ‘Time to Dance’)


  • Worthing School Business Managers / Bursars network


  • FE providers for teacher training: we work closely with South Downs SCITT, Brighton and Chichester universities providing placement opportunities for students, a number of who have joined the teaching team at TAB after qualifying


  • Durrington Research School - this enables TAB staff to enjoy high quality professional development, it also gives them opportunities to contribute to evidence-based school improvement



We also work in partnership with external moderators and other schools to check and validate our assessment judgements.


Our school’s Eco-work as a 'Hall of Fame' School involves supporting other schools (& providers) as they develop their Eco- and FairTrade provision, while the school plays an integral role in the local EYE (Eco, Young & Engaged) Project established by Tim Loughton MP.