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Thomas A Becket Junior School

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Well-being Information and Resources

At Thomas A Becket Juniors we understand the importance of working in partnership with our families and this is key when supporting the wellbeing of our children.  We hope you find the information and links on this page a useful resource to support you as parents and carers now and in the future.  Please remember to be mindful that we have endeavoured to check all the suggested websites but there are many links within them and checking them all would be impractical and impossible. We trust that our  parents and carers are best placed to decide what they feel is appropriate for their child's needs.


Useful Resources, Information and Web Links


We have a commitment to wellbeing at TAB and have, for some time, used the ‘Five ways to Wellbeing’ ethos to improve outcomes for our whole community.  You may already be aware of this but if not here is a good place to start.


NHS 5 steps to mental wellbeing


We understand there are times when parents and carers need some more specific information to help the children manage their feelings and emotions.



Phrases for Calming Anxious Children








As a school we are also aware that some primary school children will self-harm, we are aware that this can be quite shocking for parents/carers to discover.  West Sussex has invested in training and advice for professionals and within this advice is the document below.

self-harm-resources-for-parents carers

Understanding Self-Harm


YMCA DownsLink Group and West Sussex Mind are working in partnership to form the Self-Harm Learning Network - a new initiative to help children and young people who are at risk of self-harming. The network provides inclusive training for parents and professionals, focus groups with young people, and a range of helpful resources (below) to support youth mental health and self-harm. The resources offer practical tools, advice, and guidance for parents and carers, teachers, and healthcare professionals.