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Thomas A Becket Junior School

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We aim to make our school a place where children can explore the world of science – a place where their curiosity and enthusiasm can be let loose. We allow children to benefit from an engaging curriculum allowing links to be made with prior learning, and learning across a range of subjects and experiences. We strive to teach scientific knowledge and skills in an interactive, fun and memorable way. All children are enabled, through adaptation of the planning, to use their scientific skills and knowledge to enquire, think and work scientifically. The curriculum allows for planned progression, building on previous learning from years 3, 4 and 5, and also prior learning from KS1. Practical investigations are at the heart of every science topic, so that children can build on and improve their practical skills and scientific knowledge in order to become fully rounded scientists.


Science is involved in many areas of the curriculum. This allows the children to develop the skills and knowledge they need for the future. Understanding of the skills used in investigations and observations is embedded in teaching and learning. Children can implement and improve these skills throughout their time at Thomas A Becket Junior.




Questioning is an extremely important skill across the whole curriculum. In science, this is particularly important so that children can use specialist scientific vocabulary. A child's questioning is encouraged so that they can communicate their ideas about the science they learn about, and the science that they experience in their lives. The use of the talk phrases within scientific enquiry is imperative when the children work together to investigate and observe; thus talk is embedded within the planning of science throughout the school.


Teachers at Thomas A Becket are enthusiastic about creating a positive attitude to learning in science. Across the school, there is an expectation that all children are aiming to achieve a high standard of knowledge and skills.







Whole school approach to the teaching and learning of science:



The subject leader and science team have planned year group topics so that progression in knowledge and skills is clear. Knowledge organisers have been created for every science unit of work and these are integral to the planning both as a means to teach the core knowledge but also as a retrieval tool to help the knowledge to be retained and learnt. Where there are links to prior learning, these are specified in the planning and teaching resources so that these are explicit to children.
 2 Science is carefully planned so that children can approach new learning in a practical and enquiry-based way. This allows children to access a greater depth of knowledge.
 3 Child-led learning opportunities are included in order for children to explore and discover independently. They are given opportunities to ask talk with each other, ask questions and use their scientific knowledge and skills to investigate the answers. Curiosity is celebrated in each classroom.
 4 The science laboratory is an excellent whole school resource. Practical lessons should take place, where possible, in the lab. Thomas A Becket Junior have a dedicated laboratory assistant to order and organise the vast range of high-quality science resources.
 5 Learning and skill-development is built upon in each year group. As the children's knowledge and understanding improves, they become more confident in selecting and utilising scientific equipment and collating and interpreting results. Their ability to draw conclusions based on real evidence also develops as they become well-rounded scientists.
 6 A continuum is used in each year group to support children to develop their Working Scientifically skills. This underpins each practical lesson and is embedded to ensure that these are developed through the learning. Challenging concepts and new vocabulary are introduced through direct teaching.
 7 Teachers model the use of scientific equipment as well as the scientific skills. A wide range of enrichment opportunities is available, with the outdoor learning environment being utilised wherever appropriate.
 8 Cross-curricular planning ensures children can explore the wider world of science, and can make links with learning in other subject areas such as maths and PSHE.



At Thomas A Becket, we aim for science learning to be engaging, fun, exciting, and result in high-quality education. This should provide all children with the foundations and knowledge to understand the wider world.


The focus on practical investigations, implementation of a child's own scientific enquiries, and exploration of the local environment ensures that children learn about the world around them through varied and first-hand experiences. The planning ensures that children have access to many learning opportunities outside the classroom, and that this is embedded in the curriculum.


There is a range of enrichment opportunities offered to children through trips, visitors, and interactive workshops. In year 6, in particular, children learn about the vast range of possibilities for careers in science. Visitors come into school and provide information and experiences which allow the children to understand how diverse these careers can be. Links with high schools also enable children to experience science at KS3, and provide further challenge for the more able scientists.


Staff on the science team are part of the STEM community. This allows access to a greater range of resources and ideas, including opportunities to meet with other science educators – from the locality or further afield.


science curriculum overview docx.pdf