At Thomas A Becket, children are proud to wear the school uniform, helping them feel a collective commitment to each other and the school community. It helps children to maintain a learning mindset, and while we celebrate each child’s individuality, wearing the school uniform enables them to share in the collective identity (values and ethos) of the TAB Way.
We are mindful of cost considerations and have therefore taken the following actions:
- We require children to wear only three branded items (community PE t-shirt, community PE hoodie and school sweatshirt or cardigan – there is also an option to buy branded white polo shirts)
- We regularly review uniform costs from our chosen suppliers, and maintain at least two of them to ensure choice, the best possible quality, and good value for money
- We offer pre-loved uniform for sale from school at significantly reduced cost between 8:30 and 9:00am
- We provide uniform for Pupil Premium children (on request)
Branded uniform is available from:
Broadwater Sports; either at the store or online at http://www.schooljumpers.co.uk/
First4Uniform; online at https://www.first4uniform.com/
Non branded items such as trousers, shorts or skirts can be purchased from any retailer.
Boys and girls wear:
White polo shirt, royal blue V-necked sweatshirt or cardigan, grey/black trousers (short or long), grey/black skirt, sensible completely black flat footwear.
Uniform Guidance
Skirt: Grey or Black knee-length in plain material
Trousers: Grey or Black formal trousers or shorts in plain material.
Neither the trousers nor the skirt should be of a 'fashionable' style e.g. denim & lycra material are not permitted, neither are extra buttons/zips /sequins/rips /logos.
Belt (if required): Plain black only.
Polo shirt: Plain white collared polo shirt (preferably with school logo). All polo shirts should be tucked properly into trousers/skirts.
Sweatshirt: Royal blue ‘Thomas A Becket Junior School’ sweatshirt.
Cardigan: Royal blue 'Thomas A Becket Junior School' cardigan
Tights: Black, navy, dark grey or neutral shades.
Summer Dress: Royal blue/white candy stripe or checked dress
Socks: Plain black, navy, dark grey or white only
Footwear: Sensible completely plain black flat footwear. Backless shoes, open-toes or high heels are not appropriate for school.
Additional Guidance
Coats: Coats/other jumpers/scarves/hats etc. are not permitted to be worn during the school day (except on the playground at break & lunchtimes).
Hair: Extreme styles of hair are not within our school policy. These include: unnatural colours, close shaved heads, shaved lines and shaved patterns in the hair. Parents will be informed immediately if the style of hair or colour is seen as inappropriate. If you are unsure of what is acceptable please contact the school in advance of getting hair cut. Long hair must be tied back during the school day. This is particularly important during practical lessons, such as Science, Design Technology and PE.
Jewellery: For safety reasons, only one pair of small plain metal (silver or gold) stud earrings may be worn. No other body jewellery is appropriate for school unless it is for medical reasons, e.g. diabetic identification. Digital and analogue watches may be worn, smart watches are not encouraged.
Mobile phones: These can be brought into school but under no circumstances should they be switched on or be visible during the school day, or used at any time while on the school premises. If pupils are seen using mobile phones on the school premises parents will be contacted immediately. Parents are also reminded that mobile phones are not covered under the school’s insurance policy.
Makeup: Makeup and nail polish should not be worn.
All children are expected to be in full uniform/PE kit/Forest school clothes on the appropriate days. Parents should check with the school before purchasing items if they are unsure of whether they are suitable.
PE Kit
On days when the class has PE, the children should come to school in their PE kits with trainers.
Please remember that if it is cold, children may bring tracksuits for outdoor PE and spare clothing if the weather is wet.
If children are attending a morning sports club on a non-PE day, they should come to school in their PE kit and change into their school uniform when the club finishes.
If children are attending an after school sports club on a non-PE day, they should come to school in their uniform and change into their PE kit.
Community t-shirt
Community hoodie
Royal blue or black shorts
White socks
(Tracksuit or leggings for outdoor PE in cold weather)
(Gum shields are strongly recommended for hockey, and shin pads for football and hockey)
Correct school PE kit should be worn for all PE lessons. Please note that West Sussex County Council regulations do not allow the wearing of any kind of jewellery during any PE lesson or other organised physical activities. Jewellery may only be worn on medical grounds e.g. when a child has recently had an ear pierced. Please provide micropore tape to cover the ear.
If you intend to have your child’s ears pierced please do so at the start of the summer holiday, and ensure that s/he can remove and insert his/her own earrings by the time the new term starts in September.
Hair must be tied back during all PE lessons.
Lost Property
We would ask all parents/carers to ensure their children’s clothes are clearly labelled with their name and class to ensure all lost property is returned promptly.
Mislaid clothes at the end of each day are stored in our lost property bin for one week. After the week, all clothes are checked for names and returned to their owners. All unnamed clothes are kept for a further two weeks allowing children to find their missing items.
After this three week period, all clothes are either donated to our clothes charity bank or sold within school and these funds are donated to school projects.