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Thomas A Becket Junior School

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P.E at Thomas A Becket Junior School


“It’s the lesson I look forward to the most” - Year 6 pupil 


“I love the opportunities to attend competitions and represent the school” - Year 5 pupil  


“Being a play leader gives me the opportunity to teach what I have learnt to other children” - Year 5 pupil 


“I love how many different sports we get to experience. This term we tried out Spikeball!” - Year 6 pupil


For more information about our Sports Premium allocation, please click here


"All children will leave TAB physically active and with the motivation and skill to participate in a life-long journey of sport." 




Physical Education (P.E.) at TAB is a vital part of school life for our children. Each child will build their knowledge of a wide range of sports and develop the specific skills unique to each. We hope that our curriculum supports children to become physically active, motivated and skilled to perform a variety of different sports throughout their time in education and beyond.


As they progress through the year they will revisit previously learnt knowledge, skills and practise techniques in order to take part in a range of different sporting disciplines.


At TAB, we aim to make learning fun and exciting by providing opportunities for all children to to be active in a safe but meaningful way. P.E. at TAB provides excellent opportunities for personal development and supports growth in key skills such as: leadership, collaboration and also respect as the children participate and compete in lessons and competitions across the locality and within wider regional or national competitions.  




At TAB, every child will receive an absolute minimum of 2 hours P.E. per week. Every child will get one indoor and one outdoor session and all children are given the opportunity to be active for at least thirty minutes every single school day.


Indoor P.E. is predominantly taught by our specialist sports teacher and all outdoor P.E. is led by the class teachers.


The P.E. teaching in school is based around a model of practice, challenge, development and excellence. Teachers plan and resource lessons to adapt the learning to suit the needs and abilities of each individual child and the lessons are designed so that there is a clear progression of knowledge and skills that runs and builds across each year group. Where relevant, planning is linked to the year group topics. For example, the dance units in the spring term are linked purposefully to the children’s topic for that term. Please see our curriculum knowledge and skills map as well as our curriculum overview for further information on how the curriculum is structured. The curriculum is based on a cyclical model where sporting disciplines are revisited every other year and key knowledge and skills are revisited before being built on and developed further. 


During individual events such as gymnastics, dance and athletics, children learn how to analyse performance, improve technique and challenge themselves through our emphasis on personal bests, self-assessment and independent challenge. When taking part in invasion games (football, rugby, netball, handball and basketball), children work as part of a team, using their talk skills to communicate with others, cooperate and develop their leadership skills. Our outstanding facilities include a range of indoor and outdoor playing surfaces supporting us to provide the very best physical education teaching to our children. 


pe curriculum overview 24 25.pdf


tab pe knowledge skills map 2024 25.pdf




Through our high quality curriculum and wider enrichment opportunities, all children will experience competition; lead and officiate in a range of contexts and develop personal, social and creative skills.


All TAB children will have developed their understanding of the importance of an active lifestyle and leave our school equipped to apply these life-long tools that are so fundamental in P.E and sport, in their future lives.


Each child will have a wide range of skills applicable to a range of sporting disciplines and will be motivated to participate in a life-long journey of sport and physical activity.


Throughout their time at TAB children will have developed the knowledge and skills to take part in an ever-increasing range of traditional and non-traditional sporting activities and each child will be inspired to find ‘their sport’ for now and the future. 


All children will leave TAB physically active and with the motivation and skill to participate in a life-long journey of sport.


How are lessons organised?  Where does the planning come from?


Each unit of work has been carefully planned by the P.E. leadership team to ensure our planning is personalised, adapted and targeted for the needs of all children at our school. Lessons follow the objectives set out in the National Curriculum. The planning builds the necessary knowledge and skills to participate in a particular sporting event or game at the end of each unit. Our curriculum is progressive and a year 5 football lesson will be very different to a year 3 football lesson as the learning is targeted to each age group and then further adapted by the teacher for each child in that class. Children experience a range of opportunities to work individually, in pairs or in groups over time. Teachers who have specialist interests and skills in specific sports also provide CPD opportunities and a variety of specialist coaches come in throughout the year to provide further CPD training. Our close links with the WSSA (Worthing School Sports Association) allows us to work alongside other schools in the locality and share examples of best practice in P.E. and sport. 


Lesson Structure:

  • At the beginning of each lesson, the teacher explains the intentions of the session and informs the children of the end points and how they can be successful in achieving those aims. 
  • Lessons then commence with a warm up to prepare children physically for exercise which is usually linked to the focus/learning intention for that lesson
  • There is direct teaching of knowledge and skills and subsequent skills practice by the children, under the supervision of the teacher. 
  • Children are given the opportunity to independently and cooperatively practice the skill(s), in context (such as a game or another related area of PE). 
  • There will be an evaluative process where children are asked to use their talk phrases to reflect on how well they feel they and their peers have met the aims of the lesson. The emphasis will be on personal development and children will be encouraged to strive for their own ‘personal best’.
  • Finally, there will be a cool-down to slow the heart-rate and ready the body and mind for transition back into the school day.

How do we measure the progress of our children?


Assessment in PE is ongoing and formative assessment is critical to any effective P.E. lesson. Feedback in P.E. is immediate and verbal giving the highest opportunities for individuals to make progress and develop their knowledge and skills. At the end of each unit (sport), each teacher will make individual informal assessments on the progress of each child. In conjunction with the specialist P.E. teacher, a more formalised assessment is given at the end of the year to summarise the child’s attainment for that year. This data is used to support interventions and identify particular children and children groups.  As in any lesson, personalisation and adaptation in P.E. is crucial. Teachers are expected to use their regular assessments to amend planning to ensure every child succeeds and enjoys their P.E. learning.

Organisation and resources


Please see our curriculum map for the overall organisation of the curriculum.

At TAB, we are committed to providing the very best P.E. curriculum for our children. We have a specialist indoor sports hall for use all year round and a very large field for a wide range of sports and athletics events. We ensure that our equipment is updated regularly so that it is fit for purpose and gives each child the best opportunity to exceed in lessons. 



In year 5, children also participate in statutory swimming lessons. At the beginning of the year, all children are assessed for their confidence in the water as well as their ability to swim. Following this, the children attend a minimum of 8 sessions and are split based on their attainment against the National Curriculum objectives. This organisation ensures that all children receive the best provision in order to meet our ambitions for a school by the coast: being able to swim further than National Curriculum expectations using a variety of strokes confidently. OAA is focused on in the summer term and also features in our year six activity week. We have a range of orienteering and navigation lessons and the children use the Blazepods to learn about direction and turning. 


Equal opportunities and inclusion


At TAB, we are committed to promoting equal opportunities irrespective of socio-economic background, gender, disability and ethnicity in all areas of the curriculum. We believe that children should have equal access to and participation in a range of physical education activities. In order to ensure this is the case, we aim to run as many clubs as possible and enter as many teams as possible in sporting fixtures. There are separate SEN sporting fixtures throughout the year and we strive to ensure that each child who wants to represent the school at a sporting event has the opportunity to do so.

Enrichment Opportunities/ Cultural Capital 


At TAB, we run a very broad range of sporting clubs both before and after school. This year we have also used local sporting clubs such as Worthing Thunder and NRG netball to provide additional opportunities for clubs within our existing offer. Over 50% of our children attend a sporting club and this gives them a further opportunity to engage in sport. 


Opportunities for activity stretch far beyond P.E. lessons. Children are encouraged to be physically active at break times using the wide range of equipment available to them. Teacher are also reminded to encourage children to be active in transitions between lesson and when taking learning breaks. 


Leadership is a fundamental skill in sport and P.E. Our sport and play leaders work together to assist with play and P.E. lessons providing an additional layer of teaching and support. Our sports leaders have the opportunity to help plan, resource and even teach aspects of P.E. sessions. 

Throughout the year, there are numerous opportunities for inter-school and intra-school competitions in all years across a wide range of sports. Children have the opportunity to participate in both competitive and non-competitive events. We have the opportunity to compete in local, regional and national competitions in multiple sports throughout the year. Due to this, we have been recognised as a platinum school games provider!


Health and safety


Health and good safe practice is always emphasised in each environment, including the handling of equipment. Our equipment is inspected frequently and all staff are made aware that they must report any damaged/faulty equipment to the P.E. Lead and Premises Manager.


  • P.E. Kit

Children will need to wear P.E. kit to school on the days of their two lessons. Children must not wear any kind of jewellery in PE lesson. Children with medium/long hair are reminded to tie it up securely. Children with pierced ears must cover their earrings with microporous tape. 


  • Weather

It is encouraged that outdoor P.E. lessons take place in all seasons and in as many weather conditions as feasible. Children are encouraged to wear clothing in line with the season and weather conditions, maximising access to all lessons. We are very lucky with our facilities and will always seek indoor space as an alternative


  • Staff dress code

It is important that staff should consider their own and their children’s safety with regard to their own personal clothing, footwear and jewellery when involved in the teaching of any PE activity. It is an expectation that staff change for P.E. lessons and are wearing suitable and appropriate clothing.


Sports Premium Grant


Please click on the following link to see our P.E and Sport Action Plan and Sports Premium documentation for the academic year.

To find out information about active travel and Bikeability, please click here


Sports Day 2024
