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Thomas A Becket Junior School

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Eco Committee

The Eco Committee are a group of children from all year groups who are passionate about supporting our Eco Co-ordinator with school, local community and world-wide Eco work.
When do we meet?


The Eco Committee meet up one lunch time a week to undertake activities and discuss future Eco actions.
What do the Eco Committee do?
The committee work with Mrs Mayes on supporting the school in saving energy, planting pollinator friendly plants, recycling of school resources, Fairtrade, the School Travel Plan and working with outside agencies, schools and local Councillors on environmental campaigns.
Recently we have worked with


  • Learning Through Landscapes, Heritage Lottery Fund, The Polli:nation Project and 4 local schools on creating wildlife areas and corridors in our local community


  • We supported Southern Co-operative on their poster campaign to highlight awareness of Eco campaigns and our posters have been displayed in local libraries, doctors surgeries and the Town Hall.


  • We work with the E.Y.E Project (Eco, Young and Engaged) on all environmental factors and share our Eco work with local schools by supporting them with setting up an Eco Committee, Energy Rangers and Eco club activities.


This role helps develop the children's confidence; gives them a sense of responsibility; allows them the opportunity to discuss actions and developments with children, teachers, Governors and representatives from outside agencies and schools; gives them the responsibility to see actions through to the end allowing them to express their ideas and concerns for the environment; the ability to show their artistic talents by creating posters and write persuasive letters to Councillors, MP's, Parliament and companies.